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Known Nutrition Hormone Balance Vegan Gummies - 60 count

Code: 28511
in stock
Buy 3 Get 1 Free
Are you a hair, beauty or barbering professional? Or currently in training to be one?

For exclusive access to our extensive range of hair, beauty and barbering products at wholesale prices online and in-store, you need an Alan Howard trade card. Getting your exclusive trade card is free and simple, you just need to prove to us that you're in the trade.

For professional applications, please upload a copy of one of the following documents:
  • Level 2 or above (NVQ or equivalent) hair, beauty or barbering qualification certificate
  • Public liability insurance certificate for your hair, beauty or barbering business
  • Current business cheque book
For student applications all of the below documents are required:
  • A valid college card
  • A course enrolment letter or receipt

Product Details

Known Nutrition's Hormone Balance Lemon Flavour Vegan Gummies Supplements are expertly formulated to aid hormonal balance, alleviating stress and PMS symptoms through a distinctive blend of essential vitamins and nutrients.

If you seek supplements for hormonal balance, each ingredient in this blend serves a specific purpose. Scientifically proven, Vitamin B6 contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity. Evening Primrose Oil and Organic Flaxseed Oil, natural botanicals with a history in traditional medicine, are believed to address the effects of hormonal imbalances.

The Hormone Balance Gummies also feature extracts of Ashwagandha and Rhodiola, utilized for centuries for natural relief from stress and anxiety. Vitamin B6 supports normal psychological function, and Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) helps maintain normal skin, preventing hormonal changes from affecting your skin.

To tackle other effects of hormonal imbalance, such as insulin resistance (a symptom of PCOS), Known incorporates Chromium to maintain normal blood glucose levels. Combat low energy levels with Pantothenic Acid, Riboflavin, and vitamins B6 and C, contributing to normal energy-yielding metabolism and the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

Known Nutrition specializes in creating naturally formulated health and beauty supplements that are both effective and palatable. All products undergo rigorous testing to ensure a blend of the highest quality ingredients, manufactured in compliance with GMP standards to provide optimal vitamins and mineral supplements.

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