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Salon Furniture Financing - Buy Now Pay Later

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    Furniture Finance Query

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    What are the benefits?

    Furniture Ownership: You gain ownership of the furniture by the end of the lease term.

    Affordable Monthly Payments: Opting for leasing enables you to distribute the furniture cost into manageable monthly payments, allowing you to invest in top-quality products without compromising.

    Tax Benefits: Lease payments qualify as a business expense, making you eligible for tax relief.

    Cashflow Management: Enjoy the convenience of fixed monthly payments, facilitating precise cashflow budgeting throughout the lease agreement.

    Simplicity and Convenience: Leasing with Kennets Equipment is a hassle-free and straightforward process, thanks to their supportive staff who will assist you every step of the way.

    How Does Leasing Work?

    Leasing is an alternative method of funding. Instead of paying out of cash flow, savings, credit cards or bank loans. Simply set up a Direct Debit with a fixed payment per month and have the furniture you want there and then. You choose the furniture you wish to purchase and Kennet Leasing will settle the suppliers invoice in full without you worrying how you are going to pay. Leasing is probably the most popular method of purchasing furniture today. Many customers purchasing new furniture will lease. This allows them to have the best furniture without the worry of using cash flow. We lease to both to PLC’S and Blue chips not just companies who cannot afford to pay upfront.

    How much does it cost?

    The monthly costs are dependent on the furniture you choose however a typical example would be a package, priced @£2995.00+ Vat would work out to be £24.19+ Vat per week based on 3-year agreement.

    How long does it take to set up?

    One we have the business name, delivery address, owners’ full names, date of births, home address, mobile numbers and email address we can approve a lease within 3 hours.

    What happens once I am approved?

    Kennet will send you over the lease contract with the agreed time period, agreed monthly payment and a list of the furniture you have agreed to have from the supplier. One this contract is signed we will notify the supplier for them to arrange delivery with you. PLEASE NOTE NO DELIVERY CAN BE ARRANGED UNTIL THE LEASE CONTRACT IS SIGNED.

    Do I need to put down a deposit?

    Most deals are done with no deposit whatsoever so you can preserve cash, however if you wish to pay a deposit this is fine and will reduce the monthly payment.

    What is the duration of a lease contract?

    We can arrange contracts from 1 year through to 5 years, all contracts are fixed, the payment will remain the same throughout. The shorter the contract the lower overall cost but will result in a higher monthly payment. The longer the contract the higher the overall cost but will result in a lower monthly payment.

    What happens at the end of the lease?

    At the end of the agreement, you can own the goods for one extra monthly payment. If the furniture is looking dated or simply behind the times, you can upgrade to brand-new furniture during or at the end. The supplier will take away the old equipment and replace with brand new furniture allowing you to have the best and latest equipment. This also can attract new clients and give you a reason to increase your prices to guests/tenants Nobody wants to stay watching black and white TV you must change and move with the times.

    Should I pay cash or lease?

    You may be able to afford to buy the furniture outright, but before you make this decision, you must consider the following:

    Will I be making other purchases in the next few years that I will need me to spend my money on? Leasing enables you to save your cash for other purchases such as new refurbs, ongoing maintenance issues, rent, advertising, new business opportunities and unexpected happenings.

    By paying cash, customers often go for a cheaper option instead of the actual furniture they need. By leasing the equipment this will allow you to have the best furniture at an affordable weekly price. Having the better furniture will result in the shop looking better which means more clients and more revenue.

    Most Business like to refresh every 3-5 years this allows you to attract new clients and produce better quality properties, in addition you can justify your prices going up, so why keep outlaying money all of the time on assets that devalues itself.

    Once, you have spent the money it has gone. furniture is not like a house or a car. It would be virtually Impossible to sell the furniture and generate the same money that you paid. Buy assets that appreciate rent/lease assets that depreciate.

    Is there a tax benefit associated with leasing?

    Yes. A business wishing to acquire capital equipment/furniture should seek the most tax efficient way when doing this. All lease payments are treated as an allowable business expense and therefore attract tax relief for the full duration of the lease agreement. Your accountant will be able to confirm this.

    Should I go to my bank?

    Using your bank for all your business funding is not seen as good practise. If you use all your overdraft facilities, you leave yourself in a vulnerable position to react to any unexpected needs of short-term borrowing. Your bank may change the interest rate mid-way through a loan or reduce your overdraft facilities, which can dramatically affect the cash flow of your business. Sometimes banks will limit the amount they will lend you without further security such as taking a charge on your home and it is not financially prudent to have all your eggs in one basket.

    Have new quality furniture?

    This enables you to choose the best furniture available with no cash outlay. Rather than having used furniture or settling on budget furniture, have the furniture that will really give the salon the WOW factor. Enjoy the extra profits this generates before your next lease payment is due.

    Can I settle my lease agreement?

    Yes, you can settle the lease at anytime with no early fees or penalties. You will have to pay any outstanding monthly payments due. You CANNOT simply give the furniture back if things do not work out.

    What happens if items are damaged during the agreement period?

    If the damage is due to miss-use and you need to replace the item, then that becomes your responsibility to purchase a replacement. If a furniture product fails during its warranty period, you will need to liaise with the supplier of the furniture.

    Ordering Terms & Conditions


    All Prices exclude VAT and are subject to the applicable VAT rate at that time. Prices are correct at time of print, but may be subject to change.

    Placing an Order

    Orders are accepted via email, in person and by phone. Before an order is placed it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that all quantities, colour specifications and options are recorded correctly. Any discrepancies must be reported within 72 hours to Alan Howard Ltd by the customer. After this time the contents of the order are binding. Once an order form is signed and dated this becomes the Contract and will be governed by these general sales and warranty conditions.

    Payment Terms

    Outright Purchase - We require a 100% (order value inc. VAT) at the time the order is placed. If the balance is not settled, we reserve the right to delay or cancel delivery without additional notice, even if an initial delivery date had originally been agreed.

    Lease Finance - If the furniture is to be leased we require a 10% deposit (order value inc. VAT) when the order is placed. This deposit will be returned to the customer once the furniture has been delivered, the lease documents signed for and the funds are released by the lending company. Orders will not be processed until the deposit payment has cleared. The lead-time of 6-8 weeks only takes effect once the deposit payment has been cleared.

    *Quotes given are for illustrative purposes only. Actual rates and payments will be determined upon application depending on your circumstances.

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