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Discover Dyson hair care for professionals

Dyson Supersonic™ professional hair dryer

Light and fast. No extreme heat. With attachments fit for professional stylists and busy salons.

Explore Dyson Supersonic™ professional hairdryer

Dyson Corrale™ hair straightener

Use corded or cordless. Flexing plates for enhanced styling.

Explore Dyson Corrale™ professional straightener


We don't stop caring about our machines once they're yours.

We offer a 2-year guarantee on hair care, purifiers, fans and heaters and cordless vacuums.
Airblade hand dryers are covered by a 5-year guarantee.

Free Dyson parts and labour

Replacement parts or repairs if something goes wrong during your guarantee period.

Free Dyson parts and labour

Freephone and live chat. The right advice for your machine, from real Dyson people.

Hassle-free replacement

If we can't repair your machine, we'll replace it while it's under guarantee. Fast.

Business Customer Support

Call us at 0800-345-7788 Email us at

*This/these product(s) is/are sold under the terms of a Selective Distribution Scheme and is/are intended for the use of the purchaser only. Under the SD Scheme this product is not for non-authorised resale by the purchaser unless they are also a member of the SD Scheme.

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