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Glossify - Builder Gel & Gel Polish

Nail products and services that are made for technicians by technicians

Glossify is a professional nail brand founded in 2019 by women with over twenty years of experience in the nail and beauty industry. Since then, they have gone from strength to strength, paving the way for fresh ideas, products and services that are made for technicians by technicians.

Glossify pride themselves on being relatable, reliable and transparent. Their products are long-lasting, easy to use, aesthetically pleasing and cruelty free. Inspired by their community and customers, they continue to create products that fulfil all the needs of nail professionals.

Naturabuild | Gel Polish

Glossify - Naturabuild

Naturabuild is a collection of durable base gels designed to strengthen nails, either as a reinforcing base coat or to add structure, supporting natural nail growth.

Glossify - Naturabuild

Naturabuild is a collection of durable base gels designed to strengthen nails, either as a reinforcing base coat or to add structure, supporting natural nail growth.

Glossify - Gel Nail Colours

Gel Paint – Intensely pigmented, vibrant gel polishes that are chip-resistant and provide long-lasting wear.

Glossify - Gel Nail Colours

Gel Paint – Intensely pigmented, vibrant gel polishes that are chip-resistant and provide long-lasting wear.

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