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Professional hair care, styling and colour from Velvapro

High performance technical products for hairdressers that demand only the best. A portfolio of colour and technical treatments will deliver beyond your expectations and ensure your clients leave the salon delighted with their look.

Velvasilk Colour | Velvalift Bleach & Developer | Velvapro Shampoo & Conditioner | Velvapro Styling

Velvasilk Hair Colour

The Velvasilk Colour System is a full range of permanent + Quasi colours designed for the creative mind of the working hairdresser. It comprises of a full range of Naturals, Intense Naturals for resistant white coverage, pure gold's, coppers, reds, mahogany, violet and mocha shades.

Velvasilk Hair Colour

The Velvasilk Colour System is a full range of permanent + Quasi colours designed for the creative mind of the working hairdresser. It comprises of a full range of Naturals, Intense Naturals for resistant white coverage, pure gold's, coppers, reds, mahogany, violet and mocha shades.

Velvalift Bleach & Developer

Lift up to seven levels and achieve a range of results, from the very subtle highlights all the way to global sheerest platinum, in one simple application of Velvalift.

Velvalift Bleach & Lightener

Lift up to seven levels and achieve a range of results, from the very subtle highlights all the way to global sheerest platinum, in one simple application of Velvalift.

Velvapro Shampoo & Conditioner

A fragrant range of deep cleaning, pH balanced shampoos and conditioners for all hair types formulated to add a lasting shine.

Velvapro Shampoo & Conditioner

A fragrant range of deep cleaning, pH balanced shampoos and conditioners for all hair types formulated to add a lasting shine.

Velvapro Styling

Fix your newly styled hair with a range of hairsprays, mousses and setting lotions to provide a long-lasting hold for all setting techniques.

Velvapro Hair Styling

Fix your newly styled hair with a range of hairsprays, mousses and setting lotions to provide a long-lasting hold for all setting techniques.

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