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Collection from Alan Howard

All of our stores now offer Call + Collect and Click + Collect services.

All stores will be open for these collection services from Monday to Thursday from 09:00 - 17:00, Friday 09:00 - 16:00. Selected stores are open for collection on Sunday's, please check the specific store page for opening times. When you arrive at the collection store inform the store assistant of your order number and they will get the order for you.

How it works

Click + Collect

Step 1: Log in online and add items to your basket

Step 2: Choose your collection store at checkout* then continue to payment

Step 3: You will receive an email or text when your order is ready to collect. Please come to collect your order within 7 days of the order date.

Step 4: Collect your order from the selected store, when you arrive inform the store assistant of your order number. 

Call + Collect

Step 2: Call and place your order directly with your local store

Step 3: Once your order is ready for collection the store will call you to take payment

Step 4: Please come to collect your order within 7 days of the order date.

Step 4: Collect your order from the selected store, when you arrive inform the store assistant of your order number. 

Please note you may be asked to confirm the address on the account that the order was placed on so make sure that your account information is up to date when you order.

You can find all store information here. Terms and conditions apply.

*Please note that if you add an item to your basket that is not available for collection at your chosen store, then you will not be able to continue with the collection process. You will need to remove the unavailable item(s) from your basket, choose a different store or choose online delivery.

Terms & Conditions

Both Call and Collect and Click and Collect services are available in all Alan Howard stores. Call and Collect orders can only be placed between the hours of 09:00 and 17:00 from Monday to Thursday, 09:00 and 16:00 Friday's by ringing the store of choice. Click and Collect orders can be placed at any time on the website. All orders can only be collected between the hours of 09:00 and 17:00 from Monday to Thursday, 09:00 and 16:00 on Friday's. We endeavour to have your order ready for collection on the same or next working day after placing your order however, depending on stock availability and demand of orders, there may be occasions where these wait times may be longer. Payment for Click and Collect will be taken on the website during the checkout process. Payment for Call and Collect orders will be taken over the phone once your order is ready, the store staff will call you to take payment. Full payment must be made before collecting your order. You must come to collect your order as soon as possible. All orders placed are subject to stock availability in-store on the date your order is fulfilled.

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