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milk_shake Smoothies Activating Emulsion 8 vol - 950ml
milk_shake Smoothies Activating Emulsion 8 vol - 950ml

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M_S 1 Black Smoothies Colour
M_S 1 Black Smoothies Colour
M_S SMOOTHIES 100ML 10.116
M_S SMOOTHIES 100ML 10.116
M_S SMOOTHIES 100ML 10.117
M_S SMOOTHIES 100ML 10.117
M_S 3 Dark Brown Smoothies Colour
M_S 3 Dark Brown Smoothies Colour
M_S 4 Medium Brown Smoothies Colour
M_S 4 Medium Brown Smoothies Colour
M_S 4.4 Medium Copper Brown Smoothies Co
M_S 4.4 Medium Copper Brown Smoothies Co
M_S 4.41 Chilli Chocolate Smoothies Colo
M_S 4.41 Chilli Chocolate Smoothies Colo
Milk_Shake 4.7 Medium Violet Brown
Milk_Shake 4.7 Medium Violet Brown
M_S 5 Light Brown Smoothies Colour
M_S 5 Light Brown Smoothies Colour
Milk_Shake Smoothies 5.1 Ash Light Brown
Milk_Shake Smoothies 5.1 Ash Light Brown
M_S 5.16 Praline Chocolate Smoothies Col
M_S 5.16 Praline Chocolate Smoothies Col
M_S 5.3 Light Golden Brown Smoothies Col
M_S 5.3 Light Golden Brown Smoothies Col
Milk_Shake 5.4 Light Copper Brown
Milk_Shake 5.4 Light Copper Brown
M_S 5.6 Light Red Brown Smoothies Colour
M_S 5.6 Light Red Brown Smoothies Colour
Milk_Shake 5.77 Light Intense Violet Brown
Milk_Shake 5.77 Light Intense Violet Brown
M_S 5E Natural Exotic Light Brown Smooth
M_S 5E Natural Exotic Light Brown Smooth
M_S 6 Dark Blond Smoothies Colour
M_S 6 Dark Blond Smoothies Colour
Milk_Shake Smoothies 6.1 Ash Dark Brown
Milk_Shake Smoothies 6.1 Ash Dark Brown
M_S 6.13 Dark Beige Blond Smoothies Colo
M_S 6.13 Dark Beige Blond Smoothies Colo
M_S 6.3 Dark Golden Blond Smoothies Colo
M_S 6.3 Dark Golden Blond Smoothies Colo
M_S 6.41 Milk Chocolate Smoothies Colour
M_S 6.41 Milk Chocolate Smoothies Colour
M_S 6.43 Dark Copper Golden Blond Smooth
M_S 6.43 Dark Copper Golden Blond Smooth
M_S 6.6 Dark Red Blond Smoothies Colour
M_S 6.6 Dark Red Blond Smoothies Colour
Milk_Shake 6.66 Dark Intense Red Blond
Milk_Shake 6.66 Dark Intense Red Blond
Milk_Shake 6E Natural Exotic Dark Blond
Milk_Shake 6E Natural Exotic Dark Blond
M_S 7 Medium Blond Smoothies Colour
M_S 7 Medium Blond Smoothies Colour
Milk_Shake Smoothies 7.1 Ash Blonde
Milk_Shake Smoothies 7.1 Ash Blonde
M_S 7.13 Medium Beige Blond Smoothies Co
M_S 7.13 Medium Beige Blond Smoothies Co
M_S 7.33 Medium Intense Golden Blond Smootie
M_S 7.33 Medium Intense Golden Blond Smootie
Milk_Shake 7.43 Medium Copper Golden Blond
Milk_Shake 7.43 Medium Copper Golden Blond
M_S 7.44 Medium Intense Copper Blond Smo
M_S 7.44 Medium Intense Copper Blond Smo
M_S 7E Natural Exotic Medium Blond Smoot
M_S 7E Natural Exotic Medium Blond Smoot
M_S 8 Light Blond Smoothies Colour
M_S 8 Light Blond Smoothies Colour
Milk_Shake Smoothies 8.1 Ash Light Blond
Milk_Shake Smoothies 8.1 Ash Light Blond
M_S 8.13 Light Beige Blond Smoothies Col
M_S 8.13 Light Beige Blond Smoothies Col
M_S 8.33 Light Intense Golden Blond Smoo
M_S 8.33 Light Intense Golden Blond Smoo
M_S 8.43 Light Copper Golden Blond Smoot
M_S 8.43 Light Copper Golden Blond Smoot
M_S 8E Natural Exotic Light Blond Smooth
M_S 8E Natural Exotic Light Blond Smooth
M_S 9 Very Light Blond Smoothies Colour
M_S 9 Very Light Blond Smoothies Colour
Milk_Shake Smoothies 9.1 Ash Very Light
Milk_Shake Smoothies 9.1 Ash Very Light
M_S 9.13 Very Light Beige Blond Smoothie
M_S 9.13 Very Light Beige Blond Smoothie
M_S 9.33 Very Light Intense Golden Blond
M_S 9.33 Very Light Intense Golden Blond
Milk_Shake Smoothies Blue Intensifier
Milk_Shake Smoothies Blue Intensifier
Milk_Shake Smoothies Pastel Icy Blue
Milk_Shake Smoothies Pastel Icy Blue
Milk_Shake Smoothies Pastel Lavender
Milk_Shake Smoothies Pastel Lavender
M_S Anthracite Smoothies Colour
M_S Anthracite Smoothies Colour
M_S Cocoa Smoothies Colour
M_S Cocoa Smoothies Colour
M_S Pearl Smoothies Colour
M_S Pearl Smoothies Colour
M_S Powder Smoothies Colour
M_S Powder Smoothies Colour
M_S Silver Smoothies Colour
M_S Silver Smoothies Colour
Milk_Shake Smoothies Orange Intensifier
Milk_Shake Smoothies Orange Intensifier
Milk_Shake Smoothies Pastel Orchid
Milk_Shake Smoothies Pastel Orchid
Milk_Shake Smoothies Pastel Peach
Milk_Shake Smoothies Pastel Peach
Milk_Shake Smoothies Pastel Pink Grapefr
Milk_Shake Smoothies Pastel Pink Grapefr
Milk_Shake Smoothies Pastel Raspberry
Milk_Shake Smoothies Pastel Raspberry
Milk_Shake Smoothies Red Intensifier
Milk_Shake Smoothies Red Intensifier
Milk_Shake Smoothies Yellow Intensifier
Milk_Shake Smoothies Yellow Intensifier
$ Milk_Shake Smoothies 4.81 Moka Lt Bwn
$ Milk_Shake Smoothies 4.81 Moka Lt Bwn
$ Milk_Shake Smoothies 5.8 Moka Lt Bwn
$ Milk_Shake Smoothies 5.8 Moka Lt Bwn
$ Milk_Shake Smoothies 6.81 Moka Dk Bld
$ Milk_Shake Smoothies 6.81 Moka Dk Bld
M_S Smoothies 6.88 Int Moka Dk Blonde
M_S Smoothies 6.88 Int Moka Dk Blonde
M_S Smoothies 7.8 Moka Medium Blonde
M_S Smoothies 7.8 Moka Medium Blonde
$ Milk_Shake Smoothies 8.81 Moka Ash Lt
$ Milk_Shake Smoothies 8.81 Moka Ash Lt
Milk_Shake 7.41 Copper Medium Blond
Milk_Shake 7.41 Copper Medium Blond
Milk_Shake 7.314 Golden Ash Cop Med Bl
Milk_Shake 7.314 Golden Ash Cop Med Bl
Milk_Shake 6.15 Ash Mahogany Dk Blonde
Milk_Shake 6.15 Ash Mahogany Dk Blonde

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New Customers - First Shop VAT Free With Code WELCOMEVF

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Milkshake Smoothies MA 2025 insert deal - MILSMOOTHIES12

£99.00 excl VAT (£118.80 incl VAT)
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  • Level 2 or above (NVQ or equivalent) hair, beauty or barbering qualification certificate
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Product Details

milk_shake Smoothies – Special Salon Offer

Elevate your salon’s colour services with this exclusive milk_shake Smoothies offer. Purchase any 12 milk_shake Smoothies 100ml from a stunning selection of 69 beautiful shades and receive 2 free milk_shake Activating Emulsions (950ml) to complete your colour application.

Bundle Includes:

  • 12 x milk_shake Smoothies 100ml – A nourishing, ammonia-free demi-permanent colour range with vibrant, long-lasting results.
  • 2 x Free milk_shake Activating Emulsions 950ml – The perfect developer to enhance colour performance and longevity.

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