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Exothermic Perm

Exothermic Perm

Professional exothermic perms are designed to deliver long-lasting curls and waves with enhanced results. These perms generate their own heat during the process, making them ideal for creating bouncy, vibrant curls or soft waves on a variety of hair types, including fine and resistant hair.

The unique exothermic reaction activates the perm solution, speeding up the process and providing consistent, long-lasting results. Professional exothermic perms help create beautifully defined curls with added volume and shine, ensuring that your clients leave the salon with stunning, healthy-looking hair.

Perfect for salons and experienced stylists, exothermic perms offer greater precision and control, making them ideal for creating soft waves or tighter curls. With its efficient and effective formula, professional exothermic perms are an essential choice for creating beautiful, natural-looking curls that last.

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