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Hairdressing Trolleys

Hairdressing Trolleys

Alan Howard Ltd have years of experience supplying salon furniture and equipment to hair salons, beauty salons and colleges. We can supply anything from a single chair to a complete salon refit. Alan Howard have experts who can carry out larger projects, including hair training salons, colleges, commercial salons, nail and beauty rooms, media and make up, spas, saunas and much more. We have a large selection of salon furniture from the industries leading brands, including: Takara Belmont, Salon Ambience, Luca Rossini, REM, Vintage Mirrors, Salon Image, Crewe Orlando, Salon Aquaflow hot water systems and our very own exclusive range of Scorpion salon furniture. Our ranges include salon styling chairs, salon styling units & mirrors, salon back wash units, salon trolleys, as well as storage, retail, dispensary, reception furniture and salon reception desks.
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