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Alfa Italia - Precision Cutting with MT Masterclass

From £295.00 excl VAT (£354.00 incl VAT)
in stock
Are you a hair, beauty or barbering professional? Or currently in training to be one?

For exclusive access to our extensive range of hair, beauty and barbering products at wholesale prices online and in-store, you need an Alan Howard trade card. Getting your exclusive trade card is free and simple, you just need to prove to us that you're in the trade.

For professional applications, please upload a copy of one of the following documents:
  • Level 2 or above (NVQ or equivalent) hair, beauty or barbering qualification certificate
  • Public liability insurance certificate for your hair, beauty or barbering business
  • Current business cheque book
For student applications all of the below documents are required:
  • A valid college card
  • A course enrolment letter or receipt

Product Details

Alfa Italia - Precision Cutting with MT Masterclass

About this course:

Our Precision Cutting MasterClass is perfect for stylists wanting to elevate their work in the salon and leave inspired and ready to use your new skills. With expert guidance on using the MT Precision Principles, the foundation of all our cutting work, our classes have been designed to help you get every cut just right while tackling any challenges and fears you face almost every day on the salon floor. You will leave with the practical knowledge and confidence you need to apply these skills on your own salon floor.

Learn how to cut:

The Chic Italian Bob - Discover rounder and flatter shapes with invisible layers, inspired by hair icons like Haliee Bieber.

The Tixie - Bid farewell to razors and thinning scissors, and discover techniques ensuring the cut grows our seamlessly.

Curly Fundamentals - Master applying various shapes and styles for your curly clients and eliminate fear of cutting curly hair once and for all.

Delivered by none other than Melissa Timperley herself, alongside precision cutting experts Sara Williams and Joe McMylor

Timings: 10am – 4.30pm (Demonstration AM and Practical hands on PM)

What is supplied
: mannequin head and education materials

This course will be filled with demonstrations highlighting the above, where you can watch and learn, ask questions and take notes.

What you will need to Bring:
  • scissors
  • cutting combs,
  • hairdryer
  • styling tools-
  • sectioning clips

Requirements: Hairdressing qualifications of NVQ Level 2 or equivalent.

Course investment
: £295 + vat (terms and conditions apply)

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