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Joico Vero K-Pak Age Defy Permanent Hair Colour - 74ml

Code: SUPER-59619
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Are you a hair, beauty or barbering professional? Or currently in training to be one?

For exclusive access to our extensive range of hair, beauty and barbering products at wholesale prices online and in-store, you need an Alan Howard trade card. Getting your exclusive trade card is free and simple, you just need to prove to us that you're in the trade.

For professional applications, please upload a copy of one of the following documents:
  • Level 2 or above (NVQ or equivalent) hair, beauty or barbering qualification certificate
  • Public liability insurance certificate for your hair, beauty or barbering business
  • Current business cheque book
For student applications all of the below documents are required:
  • A valid college card
  • A course enrolment letter or receipt

Product Details

Restore the youthful look of your hair with Vero K-PAK Age Defy, the pioneering hair colour designed to effectively reverse the key signs of ageing hair—texture, sheen, and colour. The Joico Vero K-PAK Color Age Defy permanent crème shades offer four age-defying advantages within a single tube of color:

  • Complete, natural-looking coverage for grey hair
  • Award-winning K-PAK® reconstruction for hair that is healthy and radiant
  • Brilliant luminosity
  • Soft, easily manageable texture


Similar to skin, hair undergoes changes due to the natural ageing process. Over time, clients may observe their hair becoming:

  • Increasingly grey
  • Coarse and wiry in texture
  • Dull and flat
  • More fragile and susceptible to damage

Vero K-PAK Color Age Defy addresses the impact of ageing on hair through two scientific breakthroughs:


This technology comprises a deeply penetrating blend of time-released lipids, essential amino acids, and bio-mimetic ceramides. It effectively softens and smoothens the hair structure, ensuring superior conditioning and manageability.


A unique technology that has earned K-PAK the title of Stylists’ Favourite Reconstructor for 15 years. This innovation repairs, fortifies, and safeguards hair from within during processing, delivering conditioned and visibly healthier results.

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