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Global Recycling Day with Recycle My Salon

Published date 18 March 2025

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Within the hairdressing industry, there is no surprise that a significant amount of waste is generated daily, from hair clippings and used foils to disposing of chemicals within products and plastic packaging. That’s why this Global Recycling Day, we’re informing salons and hair professionals across the UK on a simple, cost-effective way to reduce their environmental footprint.

At Alan Howard, we proudly raise awareness of Recycle My Salon, a non-profit recycling initiative designed specifically for hair professionals. Available to all our customers, you can easily and affordably sustainably manage your salon’s waste. Let’s discuss why this is so important within our industry and what Recycle My Salon can do to make a positive environmental change.

What is Recycle My Salon?

Recycle My Salon is an industry-leading, non-profit initiative from the Hair & Beauty Suppliers Association (HBSA), supported by leading brands and businesses across the country. The Recycle My Salon programme provides a hassle-free recycling service to help salons, barbers, and freelancers divert waste from landfills and into sustainable solutions. For as little as £40 per collection, you can ensure that salon waste is recycled responsibly.

Did you know?

We use more than 200,000 tonnes of aluminium for product packaging, that’s equivalent to the weight of 33,000 African Bush Elephants!

Did you also know?

Hair can be transformed into compost, while foils and aerosols are given a second life through proper recycling methods.

Recycle My Salon has tailored solutions for every salon, whether large or small or even if you work as a freelancer. So, how can you get started?

Firstly, order your recycling pack at Alan Howard. We make it even easier for salons to embrace sustainability, and by purchasing a Recycle My Salon pack, you can get started straight away!

What’s included in a Recycle My Salon pack?

  • 5 pop-up bins
  • 1 re-usable lid
  • 25 recycled sacks

Once your bin is full, simply scan the QR code on the side of the bin to book a collection at a time that suits your salon’s schedule. Worried about the cost? At Recycle My Salon, it’s easy to offset by adding a small ‘eco fee’ of 50p or £1 per service, allowing you to be sustainable without impacting your salon's bottom line.

Ready to join the movement?

By participating in Recycle My Salon, you’re helping the environment but also positioning your salon as a leader in sustainable practices within the industry, which many clients find important when booking appointments.

Click here to find out more about Recycle My Salon and to buy your pack, and let’s work together to create a more sustainable professional hair & beauty industry!


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