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How To Save Money Without Sacrificing Salon Quality

Published date 30 January 2025

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Save Money Without Sacrificing Quality

With the unpredictable circumstances 2025 may bring, running a successful salon can be tough work, and providing top-tier service while keeping costs under control can be a serious challenge. Fortunately, we’ve discussed some smart strategies that can allow your salon to cut expenses without compromising the quality of your client's salon experience. We’ve explored some actionable tips and tricks on how your salon can save money while maintaining (and maybe even elevating!) the standard your clients expect. Let’s jump in…

Using budget-friendly, yet high-quality products

Gone are the days when ‘budget-friendly’ meant ‘low-quality’, as there are several brands on the market that provide exceptional results without breaking the bank. Introducing Velva Pro, exclusive to Alan Howard, and designed to deliver exceptional performance for professionals at an affordable price. With a stunning range of 111 shades, Velva Pro offers long-lasting colour, revolutionary grey coverage, and five developer strengths to meet all your client's needs. Created with the professional in mind, Velva Pro ensures you can achieve the results you want, without breaking the bank.
Click here to discover Velva Pro exclusively for Alan Howard.

Reduce wastage

One of the biggest costs to a salon is the product and material waste salons go through on the daily. By implementing better systems for you and your team, you’ll find you can save costs without sacrificing quality.
  • Using pre-cut foils 
Pre-cut foils can help control the amount of foil you’re using with each client, reducing overusing and increasing waste within the salon. Pre-cut foils also help save your stylists time which ultimately makes the services more efficient for your salon team. Give pre-cut foils a go, we know you won’t regret it.
  • Precise product measurements 
Over-mixing colours, lighteners, or treatments can lead to wasted product and overall unnecessary costs. Instead, stick to the recommended ratios from the product requirements as well as accurately use the scales and measuring tools provided to ensure the right amount of mixture is prepared each time.
  • Track product usage 
Keeping a record of how much product is used on average per service can help identify areas where usage can be reduced to minimise any wastage.
While these may seem like small adjustments, they can significantly cut the costs within your salon over time to ensure nothing goes to waste!

Extending the lifespan of your everyday tools

We're all guilty of neglecting our hair tools every once in a while! However, it’s time to become strict with the maintenance your everyday tools need to save your salon from making frequent replacements. Make it a priority to:
  • Clean your salon brushes and combs regularly to avoid product build-up and damaged bristles.
  • Clean all hairdryer filters weekly to remove any dust or debris that might build up, ensuring your hairdryers don’t overheat or stop working altogether.
  • Occasionally sharpen your scissors and clippers instead of making replacements.
Proper maintenance of your salon tools ensures you can perform at your best while providing consistent results for your clients at every appointment.
For more information on how to clean your salon tools effectively, click here.

Educate your team

Investing in your team's education is more than just enhancing their professional growth, it’s a cost-saving strategy that pays off significantly over time. Having a well-trained team can work more efficiently in your salon to deliver higher quality services, offering more advanced treatments & techniques, and ensuring your salon is providing consistent results. Within the constantly evolving professional hair industry, staying educated on the latest trends is also key to ensuring your salon stays competitive while attracting new clients.
If you’re considering investing in your team's education, click here to discover our wide offering of education courses.

Go digital

In a digitally-led world, it is easier than ever to save on your salon's marketing costs. Tap into free or lower-cost digital platforms when it comes to promoting your salon, such as:
  • Using social media 
Platforms such as Instagram or TikTok are the most affordable way to showcase your salon online, through client transformations, tutorials, offers and displaying your salon space..
  • Keep your admin online
Encourage your clients to book online to streamline your scheduling process, reducing the time spent on managing appointments manually.

Top Tip: Switch to digital receipts that can be sent through email or SMS platforms to reduce printing paper copies!

Become more energy-efficient

Maximising energy efficiency in your salon not only reduces your carbon footprint but also lowers your salon's operating costs. Let’s discuss some practical steps you can take:
  • Upgrade lighting
Switch to LED lighting, which uses less energy and lasts longer than traditional bulbs.
  • Energy-efficient appliances
Invest in energy-efficient hairdryers, washing machines, and other salon equipment.
  • Smart thermostats
Use programmable thermostats to optimise heating and cooling, ensuring you’re not wasting energy when the salon is not in use.
  • Water usage
Manage your salon’s water usage by installing eco-heads on your faucets to reduce overall water consumption These can ensure a quick distribution of water, whilst using less of it!

Saving money in your salon doesn’t have to mean cutting corners or sacrificing the quality and experience your clients love. By implementing simple strategies such as maintaining your tools, using cost-effective products, and reducing waste, your salon can still deliver exceptional services without breaking the bank. Got any salon-saving tips? Leave them in the comments below.


I appreciate the information. But I dont know where I can get scissors sharpened. Have you got any recommendations. Thanks


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