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The Benefits of Retailing In-Salon

Published date 27 February 2025

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With the industry being extremely fast-paced and constantly evolving with new trends and techniques that hairdressers have to stay on top of, there is one thing that remains constant in improving your salon business… in-salon retailing.

As a professional hairdresser or salon owner, your hairdressing expertise goes beyond cutting and colouring your client's hair; you also have the power to enhance your client's hair once they’ve left the salon floor. Retailing and selling professional hair products to your clients can ensure your client's hair remains in good condition whilst also being a key strategy for salon growth, client satisfaction, and long-term salon success! If you’re not already prioritising retailing in your salon, we have all the reasons why it’s time to start.

Elevates the client experience

When your clients book an appointment, they don’t just want a haircut or colour. Your clients want a full salon experience. Offering professional products in your salon can allow you to extend that experience beyond the appointment, ensuring they can maintain their salon-quality hair at home.

The benefits:

  • Your clients will trust the products you use during their service, and therefore, offering the same products for purchase will ensure your clients can maintain this same hair routine at home.
  • Giving your clients personalised recommendations that cater to their specific hair type also shows your clients that you care about their hair beyond the salon chair.
  • With the overwhelming number of products available on the market, your clients are confident in using the products you have as their professional hairdresser truly supports their hair type, leading to your clients getting better results at home and overall being satisfied with their final look.
Top tip: Personalise your client's experience through retailing by focusing on solving your client's problems rather than just pushing a product on them. Find out what they need and what they lack, then recommend a tailored solution. Watch your sales grow!

Increases salon revenue

Retailing isn’t just about convenience for your clients; it’s also a massive financial opportunity for your business. By selling high-quality, professional-approved products in your salon that your clients genuinely need in their routine, you can open up a stream of revenue that will overall support your business in the long run.

The benefits:

  • The mark-up on retail products can boost your profits significantly.
  • Regular clients who love to stock up on their must-have hair products will increase their overall spend per visit.
  • A successful retail strategy within your salon will provide financial stability to ensure you can invest back into your business through education and salon improvements, which will overall help your salon thrive!

Gives your salon a competitive edge

With the professional hair industry being highly competitive, it is key to stand out for ultimate success. Offering premium or niche retail products that aren’t readily available in local drugstores can set your salon apart and make it a go-to location for the best haircare.

The benefits:

  • Offering exclusive products can attract new clients who are also looking for high-quality haircare solutions.
  • It strengthens your salon’s brand identity, giving your salon more of an established look.
  • Clients will also appreciate the convenience of getting the haircare they need in one place rather than having to locate the products from somewhere else.

Opportunity to educate your clients

Retailing haircare isn’t just about selling to your clients, it’s about educating them so they feel motivated to take better care of their hair. Taking the time to explain how and why a product works for their specific hair type can allow your clients to see the value in purchasing directly from you.

The benefits:

  • Clients become more invested in their haircare routine, leading to better results outside of the salon.
  • Explaining the science behind products can help your clients make informed choices rather than simply guessing when buying drugstore alternatives.
Top Tip: Make the time to demonstrate how to use your favourite products with your clients, showing them how to apply it as well as getting them to have a go themselves!

In-salon retailing is all about enhancing the client experience, building trust between your clients, and growing your business for ultimate success. By integrating retail into your salon strategy, your clients can get expert-recommended products whilst your salon gains additional revenue and loyalty. If you're ready to take your salon retailing game to the next level, start making retail a key part of your business strategy, and your business (and clients) will thank you for it!


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