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About Alan Howard

Our Vision

We are Alan Howard, a family run company and the UK’s leading professional Hair and Beauty supplier.

We are exclusively for professionals, who we have been supporting with professionalism, integrity, nurtured relationships and knowledge since 1973.

We partner with the most trusted brands along with the most advanced business platforms. This allows us to offer the best products, education, tools, furniture and business support, enabling our community to thrive.

We have a bespoke omnichannel strategy to answer most of Hair and Beauty professionals’ needs whether it be in-store, online or via our sales teams.

We are Alan Howard, the partner of choice for Hair and Beauty professionals.

Howard Littler and Alan Crawford, founding member of Alan Howard Hair and Beauty

Our Story

Alan Howard was established in 1973 by Alan Crawford, an ex Wella Sales Representative, and Howard Littler, hairdresser, trichologist and part-time lecturer, in Stockport.

The business quickly gained a loyal and widespread customer base across Greater Manchester.

1975 saw the company’s first leap in expanding as we took over an existing business in Oldham which shortly after relocated to where our Oldham store is today. Over the next 20 years, Alan Howard rapidly grew, opening sites across the North West, over the Pennines to Yorkshire and down into the West Midlands.

In 1982, Alan & Howard went on to open a ceramics factory, Woodbank Ceramics, based at Alan Howard Stockport and were one of the first UK businesses to make salon basins in 20 different colours. The business is now known as Chatsworth Ceramics.

Today Alan Howard is chaired by original founder, Howard Littler, alongside his sons, Jonathan and Anton.


  • We have 25 stores
  • We have 50+ BDMs
  • We have over 320 employees
  • We have 7 training academies

Our Values

We are...

Passionate - Loving what we do

United- Stronger together

Loyal - Valuing each other

Selfless - Putting others first

Empowering - Striving for perfection

This is our PULSE

The Heartbeat of Everything We Do!

Reduce, Reuse & Recycle

Alan Howard (Stockport) Limited accepts responsibility for the harmful effects its operations have on both the local and global environment and is committed to reducing them.

If you're not already recycling, find out more about how easy it is and how you can really make a difference by visiting the recycling room web page and find out all the information about why to recycle, what can be recycled and how to recycle responsibly

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