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amika - Professional Haircare & Styling Tools

At amika, all hair is welcome. Their 11 unique collections were created with various strengths to ensure they are all-encompassing when it comes to different hair types, textures, and styles.

They celebrate their heritage by bending rules that don’t make sense and pushing beauty boundaries in Brooklyn, creativity and culture are a way of life, and they draw inspiration from their surroundings to deliver products packaged in vibrant, feel-good colors. All their haircare and tools are effective, high performing, and kind to your strands.

Haircare | Styling Tools | Accessories

Professional Haircare

Find your personalised amika hair routine with combinations to help moisturise, strengthen, repair and enhance your hair type. Shop shampoos, conditioners, hair masks and treatments.

Professional Haircare

Find your personalised amika hair routine with combinations to help moisturise, strengthen, repair and enhance your hair type. Shop shampoos, conditioners, hair masks and treatments.

Professional Hair Styling Tools

Anything but ordinary. By infusing the latest technology with creative edge, the amika tools were born to perform and live to impress. Shop curling irons, hairdryers, hot brushes and more.

Professional Hair Styling Tools

Anything but ordinary. By infusing the latest technology with creative edge, the amika tools were born to perform and live to impress. Shop curling irons, hairdryers, hot brushes and more.

amika Accessories

Accessorise in style with our range of amika branded products. Shop a bold range of accessories including bags, pin badges and refillable bottles.

amika Accessories

Accessorise in style with our range of amika branded products. Shop a bold range of accessories including bags, pin badges and refillable bottles.

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