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Biolage Professional - Hair Care & Hair Styling

Biolage care about the world and the creatures within it, that’s why biology does not test on animals. Biolage, globally, is officially approved by Cruelty Free International under the Leaping Bunny Programme, a leading organisation working to end animal testing. This stringent process ensures that consumers can buy Biolage products with complete confidence that we meet Leaping Bunny’s strict criteria.

Discover our ranges that have been curated and nurtured for over 30 years. They celebrate Biolage’s heritage and commitment to innovation, particularly in hydrating and conditioning.

Their original fragrance was developed following the principles of classic aromatherapy to provide an energising experience both in the salon and beyond.

Shampoo | Conditioner | Treatments & Serums

Biolage Shampoo

It all starts here. Match your specific hair need with the perfect shampoo formula and you’ll never have a bad hair day again.

Biolage Shampoo

It all starts here. Match your specific hair need with the perfect shampoo formula and you’ll never have a bad hair day again.

Biolage Conditioner

Every type of hair needs conditioning. Whether you have coarse hair, dry hair, frizzy hair, fine hair or even oily hair, there’s a conditioner that will make it healthy and manageable.

Biolage Conditioner

Every type of hair needs conditioning. Whether you have coarse hair, dry hair, frizzy hair, fine hair or even oily hair, there’s a conditioner that will make it healthy and manageable.

Biolage Treatments & Serums

Strengthening, moisturizing, frizz control? No matter what your hair needs, there’s a work-all-day formula that will get the job done and leave strands silky and manageable.

Biolage Treatments & Serums

Strengthening, moisturizing, frizz control? No matter what your hair needs, there’s a work-all-day formula that will get the job done and leave strands silky and manageable.

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