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Bringing Hairdressers Together

Are you a freelance hairdresser struggling to stay motivated without the company of a salon team?

Are you looking to keep up to date with the latest trends in hairdressing for inspiration and guidance?

Are you worried about the new financial year and looking for ways to expand your salon or freelance business?

Look no further than Alan Howard Hubs.

Located at a store near you, Alan Howard Hubs are:

  • Professional, expert-led forums concentrating on topics that matter most to the industry
  • Themed on the latest viral trends with practical and theory-led sessions available for all levels and abilities
  • A welcome place for hairdressers to drop in for a coffee and connect with each other

The stores hosting Alan Howard Hubs each month are:

PrestonRochdaleSheffield Parkway

The Alan Howard Colour Clinic

Are you ready to take the next step in your career?

Rachel Mason is here to support hairdressers who feel stressed, stuck, or uncertain about their next career step. She provides a safe, non-judgmental environment where hairdressers can openly discuss their challenges, gain clarity, and leave with actionable steps to create momentum toward their goals.

The Alan Howard Colour Clinic

We're here to offer a diagnosis and remedy to your colour queries.

Whether you’re browsing for a new colour brand, have a question on a colour match for a particular client or looking for the best way to remove the colour from a client’s hair completely, the Alan Howard Colour Clinic will look to prescribe you with the remedy you need.

Speedy Colour Techniques with Wella

Discover innovative techniques and strategies to deliver quick, effective colour services that meet the demands of today’s fast-paced clientele.

Wella will be showcasing how certain techniques can transform a client’s look in minimal time while maintaining exceptional results. Gain essential knowledge of the products specifically designed for speed colouring services and learn how to present these services in a way that appeals to clients.

Profit Boosting Colour Services

Are you looking for a new colour range? Are you looking for the perfect tone? Are you looking to save time on appointments?

Join Indola’s Coco Norbury, a passionate hairdresser with over 10 years experience in the industry, to take a deep dive into CREA-BOLD & Blonde Expert!

New 9 Minute Colour

With its rapid processing time, 9 minutes color reduces the amount of time spent per service, freeing you up to see more clients.

Whether you’re running a busy salon or a freelance business, join the milk_shake Education Team to discover how the number of services you are able to perform each day can generate more revenue.

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