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Payot - Skin & Body Care Based On Innovative Formulas

Dedicated exclusively to skincare, the brand supports women from one generation to the next, at every moment of their life. It offers a unique experience with its professional salon treatments, and skincare products that reveal the beauty of every woman, in the privacy of her own home.

Face Care | Body Care | Gift Sets

Payot Face Care

Eliminate blemishes and dark spots whilst nourishing the skin and moisturising with the face care range from Payot. Enhance your day and night skin care routine with cleansers, toners, serums and lotions.

Payot Face Care

Eliminate blemishes and dark spots whilst nourishing the skin and moisturising with the face care range from Payot. Enhance your day and night skin care routine with cleansers, toners, serums and lotions.

Payot Body Care

Pamper your whole body with an exquisite range of body washes, shampoos, scrubs and creams made with natural ingredients. From nourishing moisturisers to invigorating oils, there's something for all skin types to rejuvenate the body from head to toe.

Payot Body Care

Pamper your whole body with an exquisite range of body washes, shampoos, scrubs and creams made with natural ingredients. From nourishing moisturisers to invigorating oils, there's something for all skin types to rejuvenate the body from head to toe.

Payot Gift Sets

The perfect gift for any occasion, the Payot range of gift sets combine quality skin care products carefully chosen to compliment each other. Each gift set is sophisticatedly boxed in beautiful packaging, making the ideal present for Christmas, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day or Birthdays.

Payot Gift Sets

The perfect gift for any occasion, the Payot range of gift sets combine quality skin care products carefully chosen to compliment each other. Each gift set is sophisticatedly boxed in beautiful packaging, making the ideal present for Christmas, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day or Birthdays

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