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Scorpion Salon Professional Furniture & Equipment

At scorpion, we collaborate with international trade partners to source the highest quality, on-trend materials to supply salon professional furniture and equipment to the hair & beauty industry.

Exclusively sold and distributed by Alan Howard, scorpion aims to provide on-trend, practical and affordable options for any salon. Each range is designed with style, duration and functionality in mind allowing salon owners the freedom to refresh and update their salon interiors with ease.

Hair Salon Furniture | Beauty Salon Furniture | Barber Furniture

Hair Salon Furniture

Create a stylish and sophisticated salon experience with top quality furniture that lasts from Scorpion. Shop salon chairs, backwash units, styling trolleys and much more with customisable fabrics to match your salon decor.

Hair Salon Furniture

Create a stylish and sophisticated salon experience with top quality furniture that lasts from Scorpion. Shop salon chairs, backwash units, styling trolleys and much more with customisable fabrics to match your salon decor.

Beauty Salon Furniture

Shop customisable furniture designed to compliment the relaxing and inspiring ambience of a spa salon. From massage tables to pedicure chairs, you'll find exquisitely designed furniture made from top quality materials.

Beauty Salon Furniture

Shop customisable furniture designed to compliment the relaxing and inspiring ambience of a spa salon. From massage tables to pedicure chairs, you'll find exquisitely designed furniture made from top quality materials.

Barber Furniture

Get the perfect chair for your barber shop from Scorpion furniture. Whether you're looking for a modern feel or a classic retro look, our customisable and fully adjustable chairs are sure to add a touch of class to your salon.

Barber Furniture

Get the perfect chair for your barber shop from Scorpion furniture. Whether you're looking for a modern feel or a classic retro look, our customisable and fully adjustable chairs are sure to add a touch of class to your salon.

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