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Shed - Salon Hair Every Day

Get salon hair every day with professional hair care products from Shed, for hair stylists and professionals. Give the gift of salon finished hair with handy travel packs and gift packs.

Shop the range of high quality, vegan and cruelty free products including shampoos, conditioners, hair sprays, mousse and hair treatments designed to give a salon worthy finish with every use.


Shampoo | Conditioner | Hair Styling | Gift Sets


100% vegan, cruelty free and sulphate free shampoo formulations, made for a wide variety of hair types and conditions. Team with the matching conditioners for best results.


100% vegan, cruelty free and sulphate free shampoo formulations, made for a wide variety of hair types and conditions. Team with the matching conditioners for best results.


Nourish newly washed hair with a range of conditioners designed for all hair types. Treat dry hair, damaged hair and colour treated hair with tailored formulas. Pair with the matching shampoo for best results.


Nourish newly washed hair with a range of conditioners designed for all hair types. Treat dry hair, damaged hair and colour treated hair with tailored formulas. Pair with the matching shampoo for best results.

Hair Styling

Achieve the perfect long-lasting hold for newly styled hair with hair sprays, mousses and pastes from Shed. Shop easy-to-use dry shampoo for in between washes and protect against damage with a heat protection spray.

Hair Styling

Achieve the perfect long-lasting hold for newly styled hair with hair sprays, mousses and pastes from Shed. Shop easy-to-use dry shampoo for in between washes and protect against damage with a heat protection spray.

Gift Sets

Give the gift of salon hair every day with retail gift packs and handy travel minis, featuring the Shed range of high quality shampoos, conditioners and treatments for all hair types.

Gift Sets

Give the gift of salon hair every day with retail gift packs and handy travel minis, featuring the Shed range of high quality shampoos, conditioners and treatments for all hair types.

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